Tuesday, February 23, 2010
"Thou hast fully known my.... purpose" II Timothy 3:10
It is not just the duty, but the delight of true Christians to speak of the glories of their God. The Psalmist shared this belief evidenced by his declaration; "I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works."
By definition, a blog is "a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, description of events, or other material providing commentary or news on a particular subject." (Wikipedia) As I introduce this site into the countless mix of others, I am convinced that the subject of His majesty and wonder exceeds all others.
"That men may know" will serve as both theme and purpose for my writing. In preparation I knew my intended subject and Psalm 83:18 provided a most relative theme. "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth." I do not presume to be equal to the task of speaking about the majesty and wonder of this great God. However, if appetites are salted in others to know more of Him, then "my tongue is the pen of a ready writer". (Psalm 45:1) "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable." (Psalm 145:3) I am confident that though line upon line and thought upon thought may compile, yet writer and reader alike shall always feel as the Queen of Sheba who after beholding the house of Solomon could but offer this statement, "behold, the half was not told me".
May God give the needed light so then "will I make known his deeds among the people" (Psalm 105:1). "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (II Cor. 4:6) Since He can be known, I write "That Men May Know".
By definition, a blog is "a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, description of events, or other material providing commentary or news on a particular subject." (Wikipedia) As I introduce this site into the countless mix of others, I am convinced that the subject of His majesty and wonder exceeds all others.
"That men may know" will serve as both theme and purpose for my writing. In preparation I knew my intended subject and Psalm 83:18 provided a most relative theme. "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth." I do not presume to be equal to the task of speaking about the majesty and wonder of this great God. However, if appetites are salted in others to know more of Him, then "my tongue is the pen of a ready writer". (Psalm 45:1) "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable." (Psalm 145:3) I am confident that though line upon line and thought upon thought may compile, yet writer and reader alike shall always feel as the Queen of Sheba who after beholding the house of Solomon could but offer this statement, "behold, the half was not told me".
May God give the needed light so then "will I make known his deeds among the people" (Psalm 105:1). "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (II Cor. 4:6) Since He can be known, I write "That Men May Know".
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"That men may know that thou, whose name alone is Jehovah, art the most high over all the earth." (Psalm 83:18)
"A Time To Speak"
"God's end in giving us any knowledge of Himself here is that we may glorify him as God; that is, love Him, serve Him, believe and obey Him, give Him all the honour and glory that is due from poor sinful creatures to a pardoning God and Creator." (John Owen)
"True salvation is not to be found through the mere reception of any creed, however true or scriptural. Mere 'head notion' is not the road to heaven. 'You must be born again', means a great deal more than that you must believe certain dogmas. The study of the Bible cannot save you! You must press beyond this; you must come to the living, personal Christ, or else your acceptance of the soundest creed cannot avail for the salvation of your soul. Salvation lies in Jesus only!" (C. H. Spurgeon)
"Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one. A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, I AM." (A.W. Tozer)
"If sin be subtle, watchful, strong, and always at work in the business of killing our souls, and we be slothful, negligent, foolish, in proceeding to the ruin thereof, can we expect a comfortable event?" (John Owen)
"Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness, who walks not over the neck of his lusts." (John Owen)
"True salvation is not to be found through the mere reception of any creed, however true or scriptural. Mere 'head notion' is not the road to heaven. 'You must be born again', means a great deal more than that you must believe certain dogmas. The study of the Bible cannot save you! You must press beyond this; you must come to the living, personal Christ, or else your acceptance of the soundest creed cannot avail for the salvation of your soul. Salvation lies in Jesus only!" (C. H. Spurgeon)
"Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one. A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood and from that elevated position declares, I AM." (A.W. Tozer)
"If sin be subtle, watchful, strong, and always at work in the business of killing our souls, and we be slothful, negligent, foolish, in proceeding to the ruin thereof, can we expect a comfortable event?" (John Owen)
"Let not that man think he makes any progress in holiness, who walks not over the neck of his lusts." (John Owen)
That was very nice...
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